Lyrics Unlimited will create the perfect custom song, poem, toast, tribute, or speech, for your roast, birthday, wedding, corporate event, shower, anniversary, reunion, proposal, graduation, retirement, celebration, party, rehearsal, or testimonial. Framed, printed lyrics are available, as are pre-recorded performances.
Lyrics Unlimited

(844) 389-9756

Hours of Operation
24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week



Thank you for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

  1. Please have the following ready when you call:
    1. specific details on the event - date, time, place, purpose, theme.
    2. some personal information on the person(s) being toasted.
    3. your telephone and email address.
  2. The initial phone call should take 10 - 15 minutes
  3. Please allow 3 weeks from initial phone call to receive the final product.
  4. There is an additional charge for a deadline sooner than 2 weeks.
  5. Tributes can be printed on custom papers and can be custom framed.
  6. Prices for a tribute range from $300 - $1,500.

(844) 389-9756


Hours of Operation
24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week

Service Area

Contact Marcia


If you are unable to contact Marcia by Phone (or have any Questions or Comments), please use this form: